Statement from Desmone Architects Regarding COVID-19

Statement from Desmone Architects Regarding COVID-19

The world health community continues to closely monitor the emergence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the disease it causes, named “coronavirus disease 2019” (COVID-19). At this time, no one knows how severe this outbreak will be. Given this uncertainty, Desmone Architects is taking proactive steps to address several business concerns. We have remained committed to making the health and safety of our employees, clients, and the communities we serve our top priority. We have been regularly tracking all government updates, as well as observing guidelines posted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. With all of this in mind, effective immediately we will be suspending all events in our office building, including tours and Lunch & Learns, until further notice.

Our focus is on providing a safe and healthy environment for our employees by taking all necessary precautions. Clients and visitors are still welcome in our office as always, but employees are strongly encouraged to use telephone and video conferencing options, which will be provided for all client and project meetings moving forward, as much as possible during this outbreak. Employees are expected to practice proper hand hygiene, including washing hands frequently and utilizing provided hand sanitizer in common areas. While we have actively maintained a teleworking policy for years, in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, we are advising our employees to work remotely in the event they are not feeling well rather than risk compromising their well-being or the well-being of others by coming into the office. We also provide paid time off to compensate employees who are unable to work due to illness.

As the first and currently only WELL Gold Certified office building in Pittsburgh, Desmone has adhered to the WELL Building Standard’s guidelines of cleanliness, another key component of maintaining a healthy office environment. Since enacting our WELL policies last year, Desmone has followed a consistent, strict cleaning protocol which aids in the proper disinfection of all surfaces throughout our occupied spaces to prevent the spread of and reduce exposure to pathogens. This includes operating on a precise cleaning schedule and exclusive use of approved cleaning products to reduce the presence of hazardous materials in the office environment.

Desmone will continue to work diligently to ensure the continuity of business operations to best serve our clients’ needs and traverse any obstacles to our collective health and safety as they arise. Please contact us directly with further questions or concerns.

Eric A. Booth, AIA
Desmone Architects